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Zac Efron’s Diet and Workouts - Z.E.N. Foods

Zac Efron’s Diet and Workouts

Source: MotleyHealth

Zac Efron has suddenly transitioned from a teenage heart-throb to a ripped and toned young man. Rolling Stone magazine actually labelled him as a “poster boy for tweenyboppers” as he was so popular with not only the teenage crowd but also young adults. That was 5 years ago now, he has matured in the last 5 years and is now drawing interest from an older audience.

Zac’s career started in musicals, which included the original High School Musical as well as a Broadway adaptation of Hairspray. However, it is his most recent role that has brought him new attention.

The Lucky One

In Zac Efron’s latest role he plays a U.S. Marine called Logan Thibault in the new film, The Lucky One (Spring 2012 release). It tells the story of how when he returns home after his third tour of duty in Iraq he seeks a woman in a photo that became his lucky charm. Beth, played by Taylor Schilling, is “the Lucky One”.

Ramona Braganza

Zac’s personal trainer is Ramona Braganza. She developed the 321 Training Method which is specifically designed to allow actors to workout effectively while filming on location without access to a gym. The system uses a combination of core, cardio and circuit training workouts.

Ramona also trained Ryan Reynolds while he was preparing for The Green Lantern. It is from Ramona that we have learned much of what we know about how Zac got in shape.

Zac Efron’s Diet and Nutrition

Of course, without following a healthy but strict diet you cannot lose fat and bulk up to the same level that Zac has achieved. Diet is just as important in being fit and healthy as it regular exercise.

When working out with the aim to develop muscle and lose fat you have to balance your energy intake perfectly. You need carbohydrates to sustain exercise, protein to build muscle and healthy fats to help keep the body well nourished (fats contain many vital nutrients).

When you are packing on muscle quickly you need to eat. Zac would have to eat a good breakfast before his 6am workouts to ensure that his muscles we energized for an intensive session. Eggs and oats are great breakfast options – fast and easy to prepare and they provide energy and protein for exercise and recovery. In fact, Zac once admitted that he sometimes drinks raw eggs, just like Rocky!

Z.E.N. – Zero Effort Nutrition

Zac is also reported to have used the ZEN Foods diet. According to their website, Zac says that “Z.E.N. Foods helped me gain lean muscle for my role.” ZEN Foods is a company which provides ready prepared meals that are calorie controlled and nutrition – ideal for busy people who do not have time to prepare food but want to know exactly what they are eating.

It is also important to avoid all junk food, processed food and other foods with addition sugar and fat. Takeaways, candy, sodas and pizza are all off the menu! Instead food should be as close to its natural state as possible and cooked without additional fat. So poached eggs for breakfast, rolled oats, fresh fruits and vegetables, fish and lean meats and dairy. You still need to take in a lot of calories to get fit but it is vital that these are healthy calories that will help your muscles to grow, not your fat tissue!

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