Your resource of health knowledge, tips and facts for a healthier lifestyle

The Healing Power of CBD
There's an extremely good chance you've heard of CBD. Whether it's because health-conscious folks in our orbits are discussing it, or because CBD is the most-researched compound of the cannabis plant, its existence is common-knowledge for most of us. Here ...

Foods That May Help Ease Arthritis Pain
When searching for the right foods for aches and pains related to arthritis or even carpal tunnel, you'll want to focus on the anti-inflammatory properties. When you can reduce inflammation, you may be able to ease the pain, swelling, stiffness, ...

How to Fuel Your Workout
The goal when it comes to fueling exercise is to achieve the most effective workout. It should both help you power through your routine, as well as making sure your body properly recuperates from the effort. Timing and nutrition go ...

Natural Ways to Boost Energy as You Age
They say the older we get, the more tired we become. We say that's just not true! With these methods of getting energized, staying boosted, and avoiding fatigue, you can keep your tenacity at peak performance as birthdays come and ...

5 Easy Ways to Make Your Skin Glow Brighter
If you've spent any amount of time researching home DIY strategies for getting healthier skin, you probably stumbled upon someone telling you to rub whole milk on your body twice a day, or mix lemon and sugar into a paste ...

The Secret to Setting SMART Health Goals
The problem with a diet is that it's temporary by definition, and New Year's resolutions tend to be too daunting. That's why the secret to being your healthiest self is to follow the S.M.A.R.T. system when it comes to setting ...

Tips For Clean Eating During The Holidays
Make the healthiest look the tastiest. It's not a magic trick, and it doesn't take the flare of a master chef. When you treat your side dishes with the care of the main course, you'll watch everyone's plates fill up ...

How to Dodge the Flu Without a Shot
Flu vaccines are cool, but keeping healthy may be just as good. Flu season is a great reason to double down on your health-conscious lifestyle. Here are four things to keep in mind to avoid feeling under the weather. Not ...

A thinner Thanksgiving is easier than it seems!
Give Thanks to Feeling Your Best! Giving thanks sometimes means maintaining something we're thankful for…like our health! But during the holidays, trying to keep up with our diets and exercises can make the Joneses look like turtles. Luckily, you have ...

Discover the benefits of this incredible supplement: Spirulina
Spirulina is algae containing a massive amount of nutrients in every gram. In fact, 7 grams (or 1 tbsp) of spirulina powder contains 4 grams of protein. It's also a significant source of our vitamin B1, B2, and B3 RDAs; ...

7 Tips For Starting a Paleo Diet and Sticking With It
Over the past few years, Paleo Diets have swept the nation as the new way to hit your weight loss goals in time for that next wedding, family reunion, or vacation trip with your college friends. However, weight loss is ...

5 Remarkable Benefits of a Gut Cleanse
Are you feeling foggy and irritable no matter what you do? If your symptoms have persisted for a while and are coupled with chronic fatigue, headaches, and allergic reactions, then your body might be telling you that your gut is ...

Healthy Dieting Can Transform More Than Just Your Body
We've all experienced a small rush of envy upon seeing the perfectly sculpted bodies of a celebrity trainer on Instagram, or the post-baby body of a close friend or relative. It can feel like it's impossible to start a healthy ...

Snacking Can Actually Help with Weight Loss!
When trying to lose weight, many people view snacking as an enemy. And don't get us wrong: it is true that loading yourself up with snacks rich in calories can set you back in your weight loss goals. But selecting ...

Is It Paleo? Demystifying One of the World’s Most Popular Diets
It seems that a new fad diet seems to come out every week. Some of these diets are based on scientific principles. Others... not so much. Some of these diets are helpful for pretty much everyone. Others are more targeted ...

4 Health-Related Reasons to Opt for Fresh Food Over Frozen
Refrigeration is one of the most widely appreciated technological advances of the modern age. It keeps food fresh and safe for longer periods, ensuring that people can enjoy their meals without worrying about the disgusting tastes or the diseases that ...

How to Simplify Clean Eating and Start Your New Food Journey Now
When it comes to dieting, we often focus so much of our attention on things like losing weight or becoming athletic that we forget about just eating well. In the modern world, a lot of the foods that we consume ...

Why Mom Was Right About Healthy Diets
We probably all have our favorite Mom stories with her telling us to eat right. She may have pressured you to eat all your vegetables. You may have spent more than one evening still seated at the dinner table until ...

The 4 Most Common Vegetarian Diet Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
About 7.3 million Americans are vegetarians with another 22.8 million following a "vegetarian-inclined" diet. For many, it is a long-term commitment with nearly 60 percent following it for over 10 years. People have many reasons for making this choice with ...

Shedding Light on the Top 5 Myths About Diet and Weight Loss
If you’re like many people, getting your weight under control is a major priority. It is the top New Year’s resolution for over 20 percent of people. They go into it with the best of intentions, yet over two-thirds of ...

What are healthy fats? And why are they important?
Fats get a bad rap. But if we expel our preconceived notions, we can unlock all the health benefits of what are known as "healthy fats," an essential addition to your diet. In fact, the health benefits of these healthy ...