Introducing Supreme Green!

Supreme Green - Anti-inflammatory Cold Pressed Juice


Inflammation is the body’s natural response to injury, toxins, or infection. It occurs naturally when the immune system releases cells to protect against harmful invaders like viruses. However, when inflammation is left unchecked, it could damage your cells and arterial walls and cause all kinds of health problems. Chronic inflammation has been linked to many illnesses, including arthritis, osteoporosis, and cardiovascular diseases.

One of the best ways to reduce the inflammation is to increase the intake of anti-inflammatory veggies and fruits. That’s why Z.E.N. Foods created a cold-pressed juice, Supreme Green, that includes some of the most powerful anti-inflammatory ingredients and give your inflammation a one, two punch!

Add one to your daily regime and start putting out the flames!


Key Ingredients


One of the best anti-inflammatories due to its high bromelain content. Reseraches suggest that this compound may be as effective as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) — but with fewer side effects.


Helps reduce inflammation, cleanse the system and remove uric acid from joints. It enhances enzyme function, stimulating the liver and activating bile flow, which helps emulsify and flush out fat soluble toxins.


According to scientific research, ginger contains potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It can even help to decrease muscle pain after an intense workout.


Celery contains vitamin C, beta carotene, phytonutrients, and flavonoids, plus at least 12 additional kinds of antioxidant nutrients found in a single stalk. Its seeds have approximately 25 anti-inflammatory compounds. Needless to say, celery offers strong protection against inflammation in the body, while protecting cells, blood vessels, and organs from oxidative damage.


Contains vitamin C and beta-carotene that helps lower risk of chronic diseases and regulate proper immune system functioning.


A great source of nutrients that reduce inflammation and make it faster for your body to recover. In addition to Vitamin E, the greens are a great source of anti-inflammatory compounds, B vitamins, and omega-3 fatty acids.



Nutrition Facts

Serving size: 16 oz. Calories 120. Carbohydrate 28g. Protein 3g. Fat 1g.



Supreme Green is the perfect blend to help support your body’s natural defenses and reduce inflammation — plus, it’s delicious. You can add Supreme Green to your meal plan as an add-on or as a snack replacement and receive it in your daily deliveries.

Add one to your daily regime and start putting out the flames!


How to Add to your meal plan

during Checkout

Add a juice to each and every delivery

Add Supreme Green during checkout

During Order Step 2, find the Program Options section, and check the box for “Beverage”. This will ensure you receive one juice along with your meals in each delivery. After checking out, log into your account and go to Z.E.N. Select to choose Supreme Green as the juice you want. Up-charge may apply.


Using Z.E.N. Select

Add Supreme Green to selected days only

Add Supreme Green in ZEN Select

If you want Supreme Green only on certain days, log into your online account, go to Z.E.N. Select, use the Additional Items drop down menu on the days you want and select “Beverage”, then choose Supreme Green in the available selections. Up-charge may apply.

Add Supreme Green to your Weight Loss, or Healthy Lifestyle, Vegetarian program today!

Or call (310) 205-9368 and ask your consultant to add it to your meal plan.

Order a Meal Plan   Add to My Existing Meal Plan

give us a call

Questions? Our consultants are available to answer your questions and guide you through the ordering process.

Call (310) 205-9368 for more information