Mariana Rossano, Founder and CEO

Mariana Rossano - Founder and CEO of ZEN FoodsMariana Rossano is an entrepreneur with 20 years experience in the Healthy Food Delivery Business. She has proved that with diligence and hard work, you can still raise money in a bad economic climate. She has an eclectic group of investors from doctors, nutritionists, pro-athletes and other fellow entrepreneurs who are successful in their own right and have faith in her ability.

Mariana’s career and compilation of health knowledge began in the personal fitness industry and from there expanded into a consultant position at the famed Zone Gourmet in New York during its infancy stage. The instinctive marketing acumen of Ms. Rossano contributed to the organizations rapid growth and overwhelming success and positioned her to open and head Zone Gourmet in Los Angeles as the regions’ Chief Operating Officer. She then helped pioneer the development of a program for rapid weight loss at Hemma Foods (called Atkins at Home) and helped structure the world’s first oxygenated nationwide delivery program called Zone Nation. Both innovative programs were an extension of Zone Gourmet.

As Chief Operations Officer of Zone Gourmet, she oversaw and maintained all facets of business operations including managing the facilities staff of 130 employees. This included sales, customer service, quality control, menu and food preparation, deliveries, marketing and public relations. During her six year tenure with Zone Gourmet, Ms. Rossano established a customer base well into the thousands. She expeditiously learned and mastered the nutritional requirements of the programs to assure customer satisfaction and retention. When she left Zone Gourmet, she went on to create Fresh Dining as Co-Founder and President. Fresh Dining was a concept similar to Zone Gourmet, yet her vision was to create the business with a more distinct focus on the food. While at Fresh Dining, all menus were created by Ms. Rossano from her experience in knowing what clients love to eat, as well as what makes them healthy. She brought to Fresh Dining not only her invaluable experience, but a knowledgeable staff and a huge following of loyal clientele. Her efforts also included the job of Director of Marketing. She proved that marketing can be done inexpensively when done in-house, yet still be hugely successful.

Mariana’s marketing and networking efforts include physicians, dieticians, nutritionists, athletes, agents, entertainers and personal trainers to name a few. She maintains solid ongoing relationships with these contacts and they continue to contribute to her ongoing success. She has a proven track record of structuring cost effective and successful marketing strategies. Her experience includes knowing exactly what it takes to attract customers as well as meeting their individual needs by addressing personal preferences and the demand for variety. Mariana attended the Lee Strasburg Institute in New York City and has formal training in the theatrical arts which lends to her visibility representing the company in the public eye as well as overseeing marketing efforts.

how does it work?

Place your order

Choose a program to match your lifestyle and place your order online. Our consultants are also standing by at Call (310) 205-9368 if you have any questions.

Delivered to your home / Enjoy

Your first delivery will be made in just 4 business days. Every entrée can be heated in under 2 minutes with a microwave or under 7 minutes in mini-convection oven.

Return the empty cooler

Place the empty Z.E.N. cooler and ice packs out on the day of your next scheduled delivery. Our driver will collect the empty coolers when your next delivery is made.

programs for all lifestyles

weight loss

Lose weight the right way, with, calorie-controlled meals prepared fresh daily and delivered to your home.

Starts at $32.45 per day
+ delivery fee*

Standard option includes Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, a snack and one dessert, delivered to your door daily. 2- and 3-meal plans also available.

healthy lifestyle

Eat clean and stay in shape with all natural meals prepared daily by expert chefs, and delivered to your home or office.

Starts at $32.45 per day
+ delivery fee*

Standard option includes Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, a snack and one dessert, delivered to your door daily. 2- and 3-meal plans also available.

vegetarian select

Vegetarian Select program offers plenty of vegetarian and vegan entrées to keep your meals full of flavor and variety.

Starts at $32.45 per day
+ delivery fee*

Standard option includes Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, a snack and one dessert, delivered to your door daily. 2-meal plans also available.

Juice Cleanse

Cold-pressed juice cleanses that help detox your body, reduce inflammation and build your immune system.

$78 per day
+ delivery fee*

6 cold-pressed jucies, made fresh and delivered to your door daily.

Spa Experience

Z.E.N. Spa Experience is designed to provide adequate nutrients and fiber while maximizing the detoxification of your body.

Starts at $95 per day
+ delivery fee*

6 cold pressed juices, one raw soup and a salad each day. Organic Turmeric Ginger Detox Tea and Himalayan Detox Bath Salt also included.